Exploring Alone Survivalists with {crosstalk} and {reactable}
This is a super basic dashboard showcasing the data I explored in one of my recent blog posts. I mostly wanted to try out a few packages I had heard about but hadn’t used before. {flexdashboard} lets you create dashboards using RMarkdown files, and does not require Shiny. {crosstalk} adds basic interaction between dashboard elements. Again, without using shiny. And finally, {reactable} is a package for creating interactive tables, and it allowed me to incorporate nested tables for the survivalists’ items.
I specifically used {flexdashboard} and {crosstalk} to avoid having to use Shiny, since it requires a server and a hosting service. I wanted to see if I could embed the dashboard directly in my website. Unfortunately, quarto does not support {flexdashboard} quite yet, but it’s in the works! So for now, I deployed my dashboard on RPubs, which is a free publishing platform supported by Posit.
You can access my app here: Alone Dashboard